In my classroom of 26 students I constantly feel like there is never enough of me to go around! I am always trying to find ways to off-load myself by using technology. It is also very easy for the little ones to become easily distracted and off topic. Using AlphaSmarts in the classroom allows me to off-load myself and give me more time to do other things. The students can type their thoughts on the AlphaSmarts and then send it to my computer for me to print. I could of course extend the time of the project so I could meet with each group, but that would waste way too much time!
In my personal life I am in the process of buying a house. I understand that the process of purchasing a house can be very time consuming and stressful. Anytime that I can off-load something to give me more time to do something else, I do! One example is how I have done most of my searching. I could drive around in my car in search of a house for sale and then hope that someone is home to give me a tour and more information. Instead I off-load that task and use a computer. I use a website that shows me the most recent homes for sale in the area. It also gives a virtual tour and lists many other facts. This saves me an abundance of time and always me more time to wedding plan! J
I am impressed that your first graders can use an alpha smart! I think they are a valuable tool and you have encouraged me to start using them with my second graders.