Thursday, March 10, 2011

I think I can, I think I can

After discovering last class from a fellow classmate that you could make a slideshow using PIXIE2, I ran home (okay first drove home, slept, taught) and started designing for our next computer lab session.

We are currently studying US symbols and I thought it would be perfect to have my kiddos design a slideshow that we could *send* to Europe to teach some 1st graders about our national symbols. (you know because they can't afford to fly here or miss school) In return for our hard research and work, they will send us a slideshow of their national symbols! (does anyone smell an authentic problem?) My kids totally ate it up and could not wait to begin their research.

A few things I did differently when I designed my lesson because of what I learned the past semester.
1. Let them work in groups
2. Made them make a plan and show me how they were going to work before they started
3. Created a folder that contained both websites they would be using for research
4. Taught a few basic software skills instead of showing them ALL of the cool things they could do
5. Modeled how to do it by walking through the steps then started to fade
6. Used an authentic problem
7. Showed them a rubric before they started working

Although we ran out of time, the kids keep begging me to let them visit the computer lab to finish it!

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