26 comments from 26 first graders during computer lab:
"I forgot my username!"
"I forgot my password!"
"What do I click now?"
"what did you say we were doing?"
"What do I need to click?"
"Why did my window close?"
"Something is not working!"
"Ms. Cunningham, I don't know what to do!"
"Where did my mouse go?"
"Why did it open so many screens?"
"Woops...I printed it 10 times!"
"I forgot to save" (followed by 20 minutes of tears)
"She is pressing on my keyboard!"
"He keeps hitting my mouse."
"I can't get my screen to turn on."
"I don't understand"
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"I closed the screen by mistake."
"My typing is gone now."
"He copied me!!!"
"Where is it?"
"I forgot what you said to do."
"I can't find the letter H"
"I don't know how to go back."
"How do you get there again."
"I need help!"
1 comment from the first grade teacher:
I have noticed that when I am designing lessons a lot of my time is spent on teaching the needed software skills. I want to give the students a chance to use other programs other than Pixie2. Pixie2 is great but is not always the best software tool for certain projects. I can't wait for them to get past this hump and really start using the technology to communicate their ideas.
Sounds like my weekly lab visits! Good luck!