Tuesday, November 9, 2010

SSCC when creating a brochure

Today I did a designed a computer lab lesson that used SSCC. The students were told that the National Zoo had a problem they needed help with. The zoo was tired of people asking them what happens to the animals in the winter and wanted to see if we could create a brochure for them to hand out. The students were very excited to help!
For the most part it went very well.  I provided the website they would use to find the information. They are not ready to search through the web alone. I did take 20 minutes to go over the software skills that were needed for the lesson.  Student used a website and a software program to research the information. They used paper and pencil to create the brochure. They do not have the software skills to use a word program yet.  (That will be another lesson!) I made sure to match up the children with a strong reader and a strong user of information. Most of the students were able to finish in one computer lab session which is 40 minutes. The ones who did not finish will get to finish tomorrow during centers. Below you will see the steps that were given to the student. Most were able to follow along.

Animals Surviving the Winter
The National Zoo would like to have information to give to visitors explaining what animals do during the winter months.
1.  With a partner you will search the internet to find out information.
2.Once you have your information you will decide what you think is most important.
3.You will create a brochure to send to the zoo.
4.The zoo will pass the brochure out to visitors.
1. Click on the link below to find out the three ways animals survive the winter.
2. Open BrainPop jr. and login.
(liberty2         liberty1)
1.        Click on SCIENCE
2.       Click on ANIMALS
3.       Click on HIBERNATION
4.       Click on MIGRATION
3. Create a brochure for the zoo to pass out to visitors.


  1. I think this is a great idea! I might try it myself!! Our field trip is to the National Zoo in the spring, I worry that the kids will be looking for their brochures!!

  2. What a great idea! I too may borrow your lesson in the spring when we study animal adaptations.

    We create a brochure when we study Ancient China. We've used both pixie and word for the template. The children loved the project, but manipulating the pictures and typing their information always takes longer than expected.
