Sunday, December 12, 2010

computer challenge

After reading Oversold and Underused I decided to write down when my students use technology in the classroom.  I found that I use the promethean board a lot and the four personal computers barely at all! EK!!!  Besides during literacy centers the computers are hardly used.

I am challenging myself to use the computers more.

The first thing I did was look at my schedule.  I noticed that there is a 20 minute gap from when students can arrive to school and when the bell rings.  I thought this would be a great time to incorporate the computers.  When I told the students that four students would get to go on the computers for morning work they were thrilled! I created a poster that tells the students which day is their computer morning work day.  I have students do an activity or visit a website that they have already done because I am busy greeting students and checking folders. The students love starting their day on the computers!

I would love to hear how others use their computers on a daily basis.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I had my students use the webquest I built during our computer lab time last week.  It was the first time the students had completed a webques. I found a lot of the time was spent teaching the students the software skills they would need to navigate through the sites. After we spent time doing that we didn't have much time to actually do the webquest.  I extended the time and used the next computer lab time to finish it up.

I am wondering if there is already a simple webquest made that helps the students learn how to complete a webquest.  I think this would be a good way to introduce the concept of webquests to the students.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Creating puzzles out of rubrics

One activity that I have my students complete to understand rubrics better is to turn the rubric into a puzzle! 
We first read the rubric together and talk about how you can earn different numbers on each section.  I give a copy of the rubric to each group and have them cut it into small pieces. As a group they work together to put it back together.  I have found that this helps them understand the layout of rubrics better and creates great conversations.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

SSCC when creating a brochure

Today I did a designed a computer lab lesson that used SSCC. The students were told that the National Zoo had a problem they needed help with. The zoo was tired of people asking them what happens to the animals in the winter and wanted to see if we could create a brochure for them to hand out. The students were very excited to help!
For the most part it went very well.  I provided the website they would use to find the information. They are not ready to search through the web alone. I did take 20 minutes to go over the software skills that were needed for the lesson.  Student used a website and a software program to research the information. They used paper and pencil to create the brochure. They do not have the software skills to use a word program yet.  (That will be another lesson!) I made sure to match up the children with a strong reader and a strong user of information. Most of the students were able to finish in one computer lab session which is 40 minutes. The ones who did not finish will get to finish tomorrow during centers. Below you will see the steps that were given to the student. Most were able to follow along.

Animals Surviving the Winter
The National Zoo would like to have information to give to visitors explaining what animals do during the winter months.
1.  With a partner you will search the internet to find out information.
2.Once you have your information you will decide what you think is most important.
3.You will create a brochure to send to the zoo.
4.The zoo will pass the brochure out to visitors.
1. Click on the link below to find out the three ways animals survive the winter.
2. Open BrainPop jr. and login.
(liberty2         liberty1)
1.        Click on SCIENCE
2.       Click on ANIMALS
3.       Click on HIBERNATION
4.       Click on MIGRATION
3. Create a brochure for the zoo to pass out to visitors.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Software skills

26 comments from 26 first graders during computer lab:

"I forgot my username!"
"I forgot my password!"
"What do I click now?"
"what did you say we were doing?"
"What do I need to click?"
"Why did my window close?"
"Something is not working!"
"Ms. Cunningham, I don't know what to do!"
"Where did my mouse go?"
"Why did it open so many screens?"
"Woops...I printed it 10 times!"
"I forgot to save" (followed by 20 minutes of tears)
"She is pressing on my keyboard!"
"He keeps hitting my mouse."
"I can't get my screen to turn on."
"I don't understand"
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"I closed the screen by mistake."
"My typing is gone now."
"He copied me!!!"
"Where is it?"
"I forgot what you said to do."
"I can't find the letter H"
"I don't know how to go back."
"How do you get there again."
"I need help!"

1 comment from the first grade teacher:


I have noticed that when I am designing lessons a lot of my time is spent on teaching the needed software skills.  I want to give the students a chance to use other programs other than Pixie2.  Pixie2 is great but is not always the best software tool for certain projects. I can't wait for them to get past this hump and really start using the technology to communicate their ideas. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You don't need to reinvent the wheel...just customize it!

One of my goals this year was to make more interactive flipcharts on the promethean board. Last year I found myself making flipcharts that were basically PowerPoint’s. The flipcharts were not engaging my students and were lacking so many interactive and fun tools.

As I was searching the web I found a great website with pre-made game flipcharts ready for you to customize! You will find a premade tic-tac-toe board, snakes and ladders, battleship and many more!

Click Here to go view the website.

Do you have a favorite website where you can find already made flipcharts?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Grade Database Lesson

I've come up with a few ideas for my database lesson. Let me know what you think!

  • Pumpkin database: Every year we have a pumpkin day where the students conduct many math activities with their pumpkin. I was thinking that this year I could have the students enter their information into a database (with the help of parents) and then we could do some investigating. I could set up an authentic problem by saying that Cox's Farm (a local farm) is trying to figure out the measurements/qualities of the best pumpkin. I could even come up with a Best Pumpkin formula that they had to complete. I would see if the farmer from Cox's Farm would send us pictures of the perfect pumpkin or any other items. Thoughts?
  • Classroom Pet Database: I am in search of a classroom pet and thought that I could turn this into a great database lesson! I could have the students work in groups to research the types of pets (fish, bird, rabbit, hamster, turtle, hermit crabs, snake) that we could have in the classroom. They would use the database that either I create or they create to find the perfect pet. I would have qualities that I would be looking for in pets (quiet, active in the day, hypo allergenic, small, odorless, wild/tame) in the database. They students would have to filter through the database to find the perfect pet! At the end we would be able to get the classroom pet! Thoughts?
  • Field Trip database: With the budget cuts we are only able to take one field trip. I could have the students research 5 different places we could go. I would then have different filters such as cost, location, indoor/outdoor, transportation, interest. At the end we would go on the field trip that we found to be best. Thoughts?
I am trying to decide if I want to create the database ahead of time or have the students create the database themselves. It would of course take some time to have the students create the database but I feel this would be a good lesson in itself. 

Any suggestions?

Dalton Sherman

The Influential Teacher

Monday, October 4, 2010

Mixing literacy centers and technology

As a first grade teacher I feel like I am always being pulled in a hundred different directions. Right now the big pull is towards a new literacy program. This literacy program requires us to spend from 8:30-10:45 teaching writing and reading. We meet with small groups during this time and work with them on reading skills. While I am meeting with the small groups the other students are engaged in center work. Four children use the computer but the rest are doing other activities that do not involve technology. I would love to come up with meaningful technology activities for the students to complete during this time. I hate to not use technology for this long of a time period.

Does anyone have any ideas about how I could use technology during the centers/language arts time?

Sunday, September 26, 2010


In my classroom of 26 students I constantly feel like there is never enough of me to go around! I am always trying to find ways to off-load myself by using technology. It is also very easy for the little ones to become easily distracted and off topic. Using AlphaSmarts in the classroom allows me to off-load myself and give me more time to do other things. The students can type their thoughts on the AlphaSmarts and then send it to my computer for me to print. I could of course extend the time of the project so I could meet with each group, but that would waste way too much time!

In my personal life I am in the process of buying a house. I understand that the process of purchasing a house can be very time consuming and stressful. Anytime that I can off-load something to give me more time to do something else, I do! One example is how I have done most of my searching. I could drive around in my car in search of a house for sale and then hope that someone is home to give me a tour and more information. Instead I off-load that task and use a computer. I use a website that shows me the most recent homes for sale in the area. It also gives a virtual tour and lists many other facts. This saves me an abundance of time and always me more time to wedding plan! J

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Design in First Grade

I have learned over the years that when I step into the classroom I am not only a teacher but also a guidance counselor, nurse, mom, dad, friend, professional shoe tier…etc. I had never thought that a designer would be something I would add to my list. After discussing how teachers can plan effective instruction on Wednesday night, I soon realized I have been a designer for many years! When planning instruction teachers need to make sure to have the students search, sort, create and communicate.

In my first grade class we celebrate presidents day by researching the current president. During the third quarter I planned a web quest for my students to complete about Barack Obama. I explained to the students that their task would be to research about our president and create a brochure. This brochure would be shown to a friend who is from another country who did not know much about our president. The students were excited to get a chance to teach someone else something about their president. When we got into the computer lab I first showed the students how to navigate through the website and explained what my expectations were. I showed the students how to get from one step to the next and how to return to the main screen at any point. Once the students were familiar with the web quest they were sent in pairs to the computers. The first step in the web quest allowed the students an opportunity to search through 3 different kid friendly websites that were embedded into the web quest to find out information about Barack Obama. They were looking for specific information that was required along with additional “fun facts” about him.  Embedding the websites into the web quest was helpful for two different reasons. One there are many websites that contain information about the president. It would take too long for the students to sort through the significant amount of information. The second reason being that I did not want to students wandering though different websites that I had not approved. The students had excess to the Read, Write, Gold program during this time. This program allows the students to select text that they would like read to them. This program is helpful for young students when searching on the Internet. The second step in the web quest showed pictures of Barack and his family. Once they had their information they needed to sort through what they had and see if they were ready to create their brochure. Students created their brochure using Pixie 2. After they created their brochure they presented their final product to the class.

Looking back on the design of the lesson I felt like I did have the students search, sort, create and communicate.  When I do this lesson this year I will make sure to break it into three different sessions. The first session I would have the students search and sort their information. The second session is when I would have the students create their brochure.  The last session I would have the students share their barouches.  Explaining this timeline to the students will be helpful and give them a good idea about how much time I would like them to spend on each step.  

As a result of careful planning I feel I was able to plan a lesson that was most effective for my students. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Reflection from our first class

Tonight’s class provided me with a lot of new information and perspectives about learning and technology. I have a co-worker who has gone through this program but before the class tonight I was feeling uneasy about what I was getting myself into. I felt much better after looking over the syllabus and discussing further projects.
First and foremost I was most eager to meet the people I would be spending my Wednesday nights with! The name game activity was a perfect way for me to learn the names. Hopefully I will remember for next week! I found it interesting discussing the different memory techniques others used to learn the names. I used the association technique. I have done this activity in my own classroom but never thought to ask the students how they remembered the names. This would be a very interesting discussion to have with first graders. It would also be a good opportunity to practice using different techniques and relate it with other concepts. In first grade we give weekly spelling tests. Our goal is for the students to learn the pattern or word family but sometimes we throw in oddball words. These words do not fit the rule and must simply be memorized. The name game activity would be a nice way to relate memorizing classmates names and your oddball words. Some students think of a clever jingle or song to learn the spelling while others learn it a different way. I can’t wait to have this discussion when we start word study tests.
The reading by Bradbury made me think further about society’s view on change and other people’s differences. As Pricilla was reading about how the other students responded to the girl who had seen the sun my mind took me to my students from my class last year. I had a very diverse class and had to spend a lot of time speaking with the students about accepting others differences. There are many great children’s books that have the same underlying theme that we read. I also thought about how people in older generations are responding to the younger’s generation “obsession” with technology. I often hear adults saying that children these days do not socialize enough with their peers and just spend too much time in front of a screen. It made me wonder if these adults really have a point or have not adjusted to the shift in what some children consider “play”.
When Pricilla asked the class what technology was it seemed like an easy question but after trying to find the right words to express what I was thinking I found myself at a loss! I loved the way Pricilla used a visual to explain how technology connects people to the world. The four classifications of technology were physical, social, intellectual, and informational. Separating technology into four different groups helped me think about how each form impacts my life as a teacher. As a teacher I am constantly setting goals as I create my lessons. After our discussion about affordance I started wondering if I am picking the best form of technology to allow my students to perform at their best level and meet the goals I have set. I am interested in learning different modes of technology that I will be able to use with my students. I would like to learn how to set up a WebQuest that is appropriate for first graders. I also would like to see how I could incorporate technology more and more in my classroom.
As I leave class today I am very excited for what the next two years hold! I am looking forward to a great year!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010